Slayers TRY Treasury VOX


At last, the final Slayers CD that has been on my "MUST HAVE" list has been fulfilled!!! *_* Okay, so the only song on here I didn't have was Take your Courage- but hey, I must SUPPORT SLAYERS stuff!! ^__^
1. TAKE YOUR COURAGE English version of don't be discouraged by LoN! Kick ass song!
2. Breeze OP
3. BUT BUT BUT Xelloss' TRY image song
4. Stand up! Amelia's image song
5. more than words Zelgadiss' TRY image song
6. EXIT--> RUNNING Lina's image song, I presume?
7. WARU -Bad Blood- Valgarve's image song
8. somewhere Filia's etc. (english version)
9. SO IN THE WORLD Gourry's TRY image song
10. don't be discouraged ED


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