Slayers GORGEOUS: The Motion Picture "Go"

Overall rating:

Track/ title:                                                                                                     Comments:
1. I & Myself Luv this song...
2. raging waves <torquoise mix> LOVE this song even MORE!! I like this remix better than the original... which is quite a task to pull off ^^.
3. _ wau _de
4. Couldron- City __ 
5. Dragon wa  _e ta_ onna 
6. Main Title <for "GORGEOUS">
7. Kalbarto _ no _
8. Malerna _ (?) Tenshi
9. __ no Naga <for "GORGEOUS">
10. ??
11. ??
12. ??
13. __, Soon Fort
14. __ no Gaizuno-- <sono 1>
15. ??
16. __ no Gaizuno-- <sono 2>
17. ??
18. ??
19. ??
20. mi no _ reni _wa maka se
21. Lina VS Malerna
22. ??
23. Gaizuno--, _no_
24. Dragon Slave Gorgeous
25. _retari, Dragon Slave
26. __no Couldron City
27. Dragon--_--_
28. _kara no _ ri _
29. Lina to Naga, Double Take
30. Dragon Slave Gorgeous- Final Shot
31. __ no hikari
32. raging waves
33. Couldron City__ <sono 2>
34. _ heno_hikari
35. Kalbarto_ no __<sono 2>
36. Dragon Slave Gorgeous <sono 2>
37. ??
38. kara kuri __
39. I & Myself <INSTRUMENAL VERSION> More or less karaoke.. with an instument replacing the vocals somewhat.


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