Slayers NEXT Sound Bible 2


Overall rating: Even better than the first Sound Bible! Not only does this one have wonderful bgm, it has KARAOKE songs of Get Along and Otome no Inori (A Maiden's Prayer)!

Track/title                                                                                                              Comments
1. Get Along The full version with Megumi Hayashibara and Masami Okui singing. This is a good OP theme, BUT, then again, all the Slayers OP and ED themes appeal to me!! ^__~'s.
2. Get Along Karaoke!! ^__^
3. Monologue of Gourry 1 Uh... why does he get a monolgue, again?
4. Give a Reason The original in full version. My second favorite out of the three. The REMIX version is my least favorite while GIGA MIX is my fave version of the song.
5. "Courageous Legend" Ready for adventure kinda bgm.
6. Everyone Was Hungry Interesting. This is an amusing thing to listen to once in a while^^.
7. "That is a Secret" (with a little heart on the end of the title) Obviously, meant for Xelloss bgm ^_^. It's humerous and light as in innocent fun or something meaningless and cute.
8. Twinkle Twinkle Sounds like the My Little Pony theme to me^_~. No, but it's a medieval- sounding thing.
9. "A Maiden's Prayer" A cute duet song by Lina (Megumi Hayahsibara) and Amelia (Masami Okui). Thank L-sama it's short. It's TOO cute... and annoying unless you have fun like me and learn both the parts and record/mix yourself ^^.
10. Between A and B The Eyecatch bgm.
11. We Are... Zelgadiss' NEXT image song. This was addicting to me since I was (and still am) obsessed with Zel-kun and Hikaru Midorikawa^^.
12. Day After Day Mystery and adventure... two versions only the second one is slower.
13. "Clear Skies for a Big Start" Soft, light and classical.
14. Please, Show Me the Way Mystery with a church organ going.
15. "Rain of Flowers and Beauty" Happy and casual, peace and contentment.
16. Confusion Tense where there's impending danger.
17. "Xelloss' True Identity" Danger, suspense, action (wow, this could make Hollywood!).
18. Next Door to... Mystereous, sadness, regret, lonliness. Boy, I was thourough, wasn't I?^^ Oh, this is the BEST bgm piece... I love it *sniff* It's so.. all those things I already mentioned... Why'd it have to be so short!!?? ;_; 
19. Jama wa Sasenai <Live Rock On> A re-recording of the ED theme by Masami Okui while performing it live.
20. Monologue of Gourry 2 'Nuff said.
21. Give a Reason <TV size version> Self-explanitory.
22. "A Maiden's Prayer" <Karaoke with Lina>
23. "A Maiden's Prayer" <Karaoke with Amelia>
24. Jama wa Sasenai <TV size version>
25. Give a Reason <GIGA-MIX Version> Techno/dance! I love this song! LISTEN TO IT if you like Slayers music at all! Or even if you don't, I command you to listen to it!

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