The Polling Rank of '99 Japan Animation Single vol.3

Overall Rating: Good. There are only a couple of songs which I really like on this CD.

Track/title/anime                                                                                                    Comments
1. Dango Mitsu _/ Okao San Toishyo ooOOookay, this is just classified as I N T E R E S T I N G. This is a waltz-type thing! The series has something to do with 3 brothers which happen to be fish balls!!! HAHAHAHAAH!!! It's great for a good laugh!
2. Dango Mitsu_/ Okao San Toishyo The karaoke version ^___^
3. CALLING/ You're Under Arrest: the movie LISTEN TO THIS SONG! My jaw dropped when I heard this after hearing the ... fish balls song! I searched high and low to find a karaoke version of this song... which I did, by purchasing the movie soundtrack ^^... then of course, I find the single in Hong Kong with both THIS version AND the remix karaoke etc... damn. I didn't get it. Oh well. 
4. CALLING (GTS GROOVE THAT SOUL MIX)/ Taihou Shichyouzo: the movie The all-girl group this is by is called NITRO. Their single cover however, features them in black bikinis, which I didn't need to see *koff*. This is an even MORE techno version of the song. Both are excellent and I highly reccommend them. I even romanized this since I was high on this for a while!! 
5. Still for your love/ Detective Conan ED theme it sez. Eh... it's okay. 
6. Tameiki/ Master Keaton Wow... crickets (or an immitation of crickets^^)... otherwise, a boring song...
7. Saa/ Mamotte Shugetten  Song by SURFACE. I like the singers' voice/ style and the song itself is tolerable. "SAAAA" is said 40 times too often, but I like the general melody and it has a pretty good beat.
8. ??/ ?? All I know is, this is sung by someone called "elika" who sounds like that piercingly voiced Masako Iwanaga I mentioned several times before....
9. Emotion/ ?? By elika again.
10. __~ So special a day/ Sakura Taisen A slow, church-ish song. Very nice and pleasant. Sung by the main cast of Sakura Taisen^^.
11. Happy Day Happy X'mas/ Sakura Taisen A christmas song! The main characters take turns singing and such. upbeat and cute.
12. Catch You Catch Me/ Card Captor Sakura A very cute and lovable song that's upbeat and has a catchy tune (catch me?^_~) No, but really, I like this song a fair amount.
13. Groovy!/ Card Captor Sakura Ahh. I like this even more than Catch You Catch Me perhaps because the singer isn't so childish sounding and has some improv harmony stuff. I just wanna snap along, ne^^?


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