Please don't flame me for the comments! I'm just stating MY OPINION!
And if you have a problem with it-- TOO BAD!
Overall rating for the CD: very good! I enjoyed it. The only songs
I would certainly not listen to more than a few times are the Ranma ones
(not a big fan of Ranma music ;_;).
Track number/title/anime Comments
1. My Friend/ Slam Dunk | I like this song reasonably. It was pretty good for the time and the CD. It's an upbeat song and I'd recommend listening to it at least once^^. |
2. Anata Dake Mitsumeteru/ Slam Dunk | I believe this is the ED theme for Slam Dunk (never seen the show) but this was one of my favorite songs as this was the first anime CD I bought (gimme a break! I JUST found this store in '96) ^_~'s! The song is fast with a good beat. |
3. Yuzurenai/ Magic Knight Rayearth | The opening theme- very sweet and shoujo-ish yet fitting for the show^^. A very good song if the guitar riff doesn't get to you after a while...! |
4. __ no Tenshi Tachi/ Magic Knight Rayearth | A slow christmas song sung by Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu. Nice and festive if you're in the mood for it^_^. |
5. RHYTHM EMOTION/ Gundam Wing | Two-Mix! What else is there to say? This is the 2nd OP to Gundam W. It's a great song although this is only the TV-size version. |
6. Zutto Himitsu/ ?? | Tolerable, but not that great in my opinion... |
7. Itooshii Jinno Tameni/ Fushigi Yuugi | The OP theme. I wasn't wild about it, but it's one of those songs that grows on you. Slow, and personally, I don't care much for the singer. |
8. Wakatte Itahazu/ Fushigi Yuugi | Yui's image song... I think. Sung by Yumi Touma. Very nice, mellow, slow song. |
9. ??/ Tenchi Muyo | One of my favorite Tenchi songs where Ryoko and Ayeka battle it out through song and have a little dialogue in the interlude-- very cute! It sounds cultural-ish with oriental instruments while modern with electric guitar, synth and such^^. |
10. Coacoa to _i Chocolate/ Tenchi Muyo | Another Ryoko/ Ayeka song that's slow and ED theme-ish. All I know is, they yawn over and over again... *yawns* |
11. Moonlight Densetsu/ Sailor Moon | The opening theme. Pretty self-explanitory. |
12. Kaze _ iteru/ ?? | Like the first song on this CD, I like it, but it's not one of my absolute favorites^^. |
13. CRY/ ?? | Just like #1 and #12. |
14. Jya Jya _ni Sasenaide/ Ranma 1/2 | Annoying Ranma song. Cute and annoying! |
15. Don't mind lay-lay boy/ Ranma 1/2 | Another annoying Ranma song!! |
16. SEVENTH MOON/ Macross 7 (I think) | I don't mind this song and I like the guitar. Yes, I like this one. |
17. MY FRIENDS/ Macross 7 (I think) | Again, a pretty good song. One qualm tho', it started out really good... then got all happy as soon as the singing starts! GAAAHH!! I hate it when that happens, 'cause it happens far too often for my liking! |